Wednesday, October 30, 2013

An Update From the Mission Field

Our ministries are constantly at work in Bolivia and across Latin America, and we love sharing updates from the mission field with our stateside friends and supporters.

October was a very busy month for our national missionaries, REDES Project church leaders, Monte Blanco staff, and EPLABOL (our sister organization in Bolivia) leadership. Here are just a few updates to share:

  • Our national missionaries and REDES leaders hosted its annual Women’s Conference in the Lomerío in October. They also held Vacation Bible School for the children of Concepción and six Lomerío communities – reaching over 800 children! 
  • EPLABOL and Alteco continue to work with indigenous tribal leaders. Alteco will host a conference for indigenous tribal leaders in Bolivia and Brazil at Monte Blanco in February 2014.
  • Monte Blanco welcomed youth from San Simón and Gloria schools in October, where they learned about the Lord through food, fun, and fellowship. Of the 251 teens who attended the camps, 216 made the decision to accept Jesus Christ into their hearts!
Additionally we are in the midst of planning our mission trips for 2014. We will be sending a work team to Monte Blanco in February (tentatively February 15-28). They will be will be continuing the process of upgrading the electrical wiring in several buildings, doing some carpentry projects, and making other needed repairs to camp facilities. A team will also travel to the Lomerío to help with a few construction projects, do outreach in unreached communities, and minister to the REDES churches from July 3-17. Stay tuned for more information coming soon, including full trip details and links to application forms.

Praise be to God for allowing us to continue to minister to the people of Bolivia and beyond. We pray that He will provide guidance and wisdom as we seek to do His will.